

From May 28, 2024 until June 07, 2024

У Дизелдорфу - Мессе Дусселдорф, Северна Рајна-Вестфалија, Немачка

Објавио Цантон Фаир Нет


друпа - 28. мај - 7. јун 2024. - Мессе Дусселдорф -- друпа - 28. мај - 7. јун 2024. - Мессе Дусселдорф

Tickets are now on sale! Tickets for drupa are now available! Experts for experts: the drupa programme 2024. Experts for experts: the drupa 2024 program. Matchmaking with drupa allows for efficient networking. Efficient networking using drupa matchmaking. New blog article: Implementation AI-supported workflow optimization in the printing industry. New expert article on books printing: All changed, a closer examination of the new operating model.

Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and other technologies are revolutionizing the printing industry. This sector, which has traditionally been characterized by manual processes is experiencing a major change. These technologies are not only promising to automate processes, but to also optimise workflows and increase productivity. We will examine in this article the different approaches and examples of AI in the printing sector and their impact.

Book printing is a good example of an industry undergoing a transformation. I'd like to concentrate on the book-printing market. Although printed books are still widely available, the production process has changed dramatically and will continue evolving, driven primarily by a digital journey. We will soon be gathering at drupa in order to exchange ideas and create a vision of how print can best serve this industry.

Највећа светска изложба технологије штампања рупа требало би да се одржи у Дизелдорфу у Немачкој 2024. Дуго очекивани догађај је убедљив разлог да присуствују сви који су укључени у штампарску делатност. Ми који смо годинама присуствовали сајму знамо да је јединствена у штампарској индустрији и да приказује све врсте иновација и развоја.