Кинеска међународна изложба нафте и петрохемијске технологије и опреме у Ченгдуу

Кинеска међународна изложба нафте и петрохемијске технологије и опреме у Ченгдуу

From May 23, 2024 until May 25, 2024

У Ченгдуу - нови међународни конгресни и изложбени центар Центури Цити, Сечуан, Кина

Објавио Цантон Фаир Нет



Нови међународни конгресни и изложбени центар Цхенгду Центури Цити, 11-13. септембар 2024.

cippe Chengdu Petroleum Exhibition was the first Zhenwei International Exhibition Group exhibition to cover the Southwest petroleum and petrochemical markets. The exhibition's purpose is to "serve enterprises and promote industries". It focuses on petroleum, petrochemicals and natural gas. Other topics include oil and gas digitalization and pipeline storage, hydrogen energy, trenchless electrical systems, explosion-proof electrical and safety protection. The cippe group has been involved in the energy industry for over 20 years and has accumulated a wealth of industry resources. The Chengdu Petroleum Exhibition is introducing the resources from cippe Beijing Petroleum Exhibition, cippe Shanghai Petrochemical Exhibition in order to create an online and off-line platform for supply and demand to better understand exhibitors. Demand, lock-in key industries, invite professionals buyers for exhibitors from around the world, connect companies efficiently, close transactions, and ensure that corporate exhibitions are effective. Details >>.

Срећни смо што смо део изложбе циппе јер ће нам пружити много могућности. То ће нам омогућити да упознамо нове људе и боље разумемо индустрију. Детаљи >>.