From June 14, 2024 until June 15, 2024

У Бризбејну - Бризбејнски конгресни и изложбени центар, Квинсленд, Аустралија

Објавио Цантон Фаир Нет


Категорије: Уметнички прибор и занати

Ознаке: Пиво, Кревет


ГАБС Фестивал – Један од најбољих фестивала пива на свету СИД | БНЕ | МЕЛ

Tickets are on sale now. WHERE GOOD FRIENDS MEET FOR A BEER. ALMOST 1,000 YEARS OF HISTORY. GABS welcomes THE OLDEST BREWERY OF THE WORLD. GABS24 will be a touch of Germany with the appearance of Weihenstephan, a thousand-year old brewery!GABS Braupakt, their popular Pils and Original Helles as well as the exclusive Braupakt are available in all three cities.You can also enter the GABS "24 Beer Experiences Promotion" when purchasing your GABS ticket. This could lead to you visiting these places in person!

GABS Festival was founded in 2011 to bring people together and share exceptional experiences. You'll find beer, wine and cocktails at this festival, which is often called a Disneyland for beer enthusiasts. There are also live bands, games, entertainment, and more than 50 drinks stands. More than 500 beer taps all under one roof. Click on the nearest city to learn more.

Добродошли у ГАБС Интернатионал Бреверс Цоллецтиве, ексклузивни догађај на којем се окупљају чланови краљевске породице пива како би разменили искуства и увиде са неким од најбриљантнијих умова у индустрији занатских пива. ИБЦ, успостављен као индустријски гала, постао је светионик изврсности у пиварству. Позива познате личности широм света да инспиришу аустралску индустрију занатског пиварства.

We are grateful to all the volunteers and donors who make GABS run smoothly. We'd love to have you volunteer at the GABS events if you're interested. You'll get to work and meet with other beer lovers, but there are also some great perks. Be prepared to be blown away by the wide range of tasty, quirky and festival-exclusive beer.