Процурек Иреланд

Процурек Иреланд

From April 08, 2025 until April 08, 2025

У Даблину - Краљевско даблинско друштво (РДС), округ Даблин, Ирска

Објавио Цантон Фаир Нет


Категорије: Технолошки сектор, Едуцатионал Сервицес


- Процурек Иреланд 2025

- INNOVATE- EDUCATE- COLLABORATE. Ireland's largest public procurement event. Procurex Ireland 2020 will be held in Dublin. Speakers at Procurex Ireland 2020 include: Sustainability in Procurement. Our 2024 event sponsors are greatly appreciated. All rights reserved. Procurex Ireland 2020. Register your interest in Procurex Ireland 2020 before you leave.

Procurex Ireland offers buyers and suppliers from all over Ireland's public sector a unique opportunity to develop their skills, collaborate, and network.

Процурек је највећи догађај јавних набавки у Ирској. Омогућава свим заинтересованим странама да чују од врхунских стручњака за набавке и доносиоца одлука у Ирској и да успоставе нове везе са организацијама, иноваторима и онима који су активно укључени у пружање јавних услуга Ирске, као и са свима који желе да стекну упориште у овом сектору.

Ossian Smyth became Minister of State in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, with responsibility for Public Procurement and eGovernment. This was announced on July 20, 2020. In May 2021, he was appointed to the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications as its Director for Communications, Circular Economy, and Cyber Security.Ossian was a County Councillor at Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council between 2014 and 2020. He was the Cathaoirleach for that Council from 2018 to 2019. He introduced new rules on insulation and ventilation for future planning development, banned chemical weedkillers and implemented an electric vehicle policy.Before his election as TD, he was a Technical Project Director at Saint Vincent's Hospital.