Годишњи састанак АНС-а

From June 15, 2025 until June 18, 2025

У Чикагу - Цхицаго Марриотт Довнтовн Магнифицент Миле, Илиноис, САД

Објавио Цантон Фаир Нет


Категорије: Технолошки сектор, Енергетски сектор


Годишња конференција АНС-а 2025 -- АНС / Састанци / Националне конференције

2025 ANS Annual Conference. Nuclear Plant Instrumentation and Control & Human-Machine Interface Technology. 19th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis. PSA 2025 is now open for submissions!Since its inception, the ANS' biennial conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment has provided a global forum for discussion of important probabilistic safety and risk topics. This includes issues, methods, application, insights, policies, research and experience with risk-informed regulations. The ANS Nuclear Installations Safety Division will sponsor the 19th PSA Meeting, which will focus on the role of probabilistic approaches in understanding uncertainty, improving safety and security at current nuclear installations, and supporting design, licensing and operation of next-generation reactors. PSA 2025 has been designed to encourage interaction and collaboration between topic areas. This will lead to a greater understanding and application PSA during all phases of nuclear plant design and operations. Over the past decade, PSAs have been used more and more. The nuclear industry has never seen such a high level of reliance on PSAs or risk-informed applications. SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT.

АНС је посвећен унапређењу, неговању и промовисању нуклеарне науке и технологије за добробит друштва.

Откријте утицај нуклеарне науке на животну средину, здравствену заштиту и храну.