Институт за федерално опорезивање – Њујорк

Институт за федерално опорезивање – Њујорк

From October 20, 2024 until October 25, 2024

У Њујорку - Тхе Вестин Нев Иорк на Тајмс скверу, Њујорк, САД

Објавио Цантон Фаир Нет


Категорије: Корпоративне услуге, Индустријска роба


Завод за федерално опорезивање | НИУ СПС

Institute on Federal Taxation. 83rd Institute on Federal Taxation - New York. 83rd Institute on Federal Taxation - California.

The NYU School of Professional Studies Institute on Federal Taxation is designed for the practitioner who must frequently anticipate and handle federal tax matters.

The NYU School of Professional Studies Institute on Federal Taxation is designed for the practitioner who must frequently anticipate and handle federal tax matters. It provides high-level updates, practical advice you can implement, and in-depth analysis of the latest trends and developments from leading experts.

Participants return to work with a wealth of materials, plus the tools and strategies needed to help save their clients’ tax dollars and provide them with better service. The six-day program encompasses all major areas of tax, including current developments; tax controversies; corporate tax; partnerships, LLCs, and real estate; trusts and estates; executive compensation and employee benefits; closely-held businesses; international tax; and ethical transactions.

The Institute on Federal Taxation is hosted by NYU SPS and the Division of Programs in Business. We educate leaders in the functional areas of a business. Our portfolio of graduate, continuing education, and executive programs prepares students to drive innovative organizational and societal growth on a global scale.

Као цењени присталице наших конференција, молимо вас да размислите о томе да направите поклон за подршку нашој дивизији поклоном нашем фонду за конференције. Поклон било ког износа ће имати огроман утицај на наше трошкове одржавања наших годишњих пореских конференција сваке године, а такође нам омогућава да обезбедимо попусте за финансијске тешкоће и стипендије оним адвокатима и рачуновођама којима је потребна помоћ да покрију трошкове конференције.