From March 25, 2025 until March 27, 2025

У Панама Цити - Панама Цонвентион Центер, Панама, Панама

Објавио Цантон Фаир Нет


Категорије: Инжењерски сектор, Пољопривредни сектор

Ознаке: Шумарство


Иницио - екпоцомер

EXPOCOMER is a multi-sectoral exhibition organized by the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama. It focuses on three major categories: Textile, Clothes and Accessories, Technology and Electronics, and Food, Beverage and Agricultural Products.

EXPOCOMER's 40th edition aims to promote business and industry, and is once again the perfect event for presenting new products and services. The total exhibition area is over 15,500 square metres, with over 600 exhibitors from 30 countries participating in over 800 booths.