ДронеКс сајам и конференција

ДронеКс сајам и конференција

From September 24, 2024 until September 25, 2024

У Лондону - ЕкЦеЛ Лондон, Енглеска, Велика Британија

Објавио Цантон Фаир Нет

[емаил заштићен]


Категорије: Логистика и транспорт


ДронеКс - Највећи европски пословни догађај посвећен индустрији беспилотних летелица

24TH & 25TH SEPTEMBER 2024Excel London. Graham Brown and Anne-Lise Scaillierez. Matthew Satterley, Louisa Smith & Michael Merritt. Industry-Leading Awards. Want to be a part of the UK's Leading Event dedicated to the UAV Industry? 24 & 25 September 2024. ExCel Exhibition Centre,.

Имајте на уму да 2023 звучника могу бити приказани испод. Ускоро цео састав.

Flight Safety Manager/Chief Pilot - West Midlands Police.

Заменик директора, Будућност ваздухопловства – Сектор за саобраћај.

Заменик директора, Будућност ваздухопловства – Сектор за саобраћај.

Aviation Technical Assurance Manager - Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Hear from the best in the world of UAV experts and industry defining leaders who will give you their take on what’s going to be trending in 2024. Our Keynote Speakers will offer you invaluable advice and will use their knowledge and expertise to help your business. Make sure you don’t miss out on our incredible line-up!

The show floor will be packed with professionals operating across every facet of the drone ecosystem; The DroneX will give you access to a unique platform where both quality and quantity of connections are very much achievable. This is the perfect place to mingle with thousands of like-minded professionals and potential suppliers.

These awards recognise those that are breaking boundaries across the different sectors of UAV technology. With the award that is up for grabs at this year’s event, nominees are those whose product, service, or strategy are having a massive impact and influence on the success of the UK Airspace.